More zombies! This brings the total population of zombies in the dungeon to seven, not a bad little number. These guys have great hair, too!
Undead fist bump! |
Castle Meatgrinder has a rodent problem. In addition to the swarms of rats that prowl the halls, the steady drip of chaos into the halls create these lion sized monsters that make ROUS’s feel inadequate. These rats are the weird plastic figures sold under the Reaper Bones line. They look okay, but for some reason the typical spray primer just makes them sticky. They are cheap, though, gotta give them that.
This last shot isn’t a new figure. This is a 10mm Ogre from Pendraken, but he’s a beast. He’s tall enough to serve as a smallish ogre, so that’s what he is.
True buckaroos better buckle up and grab their nuts. The Thanksgiving break was productive, and Uncle Warren has a whole mess of miniature shots ready to go for the month of December.