Category: fistful of lead

A Thirst for Adventure

We’re still enjoying the freedom and excitement of Fistful of Lead. The universal nature of the rules allow you to throw figures from wildly different genres at each other with abandon. In today’s episode we threw a squad of modern-day adventurers into the desert.  They parked a little too...

Swashbucklers and Gretamorphs

Some clever wag over on the channel suggested a better name for my space demons, 10mm Pendraken figures, than greenomorphs. As green-loving and shrieking monsters, gretamorphs they have become. The dice decided on a simple meeting engagement, and here for the first time you can see the simple pleasures...

Settling Down

After all these years of casual gaming, and 30 months of intense gaming for the channel, it feels like it’s time to jump off the shiny new treadmill. A long time ago this wargamer made the conscious decision to turn his back on the FLGS carousel, that relentless pursuit...