Twargame Advice
A world of advice on using Twitter to get your wargaming fix: Stay away from the #warmonger tag. It’s for people who don’t do a lot of wargaming. They like “thuh comm-MUNE-itay”. You get lots of ads for milktoast content providers and soy-based podcasts. A lot of paint-by-numbers figures...
The Future of Miniature Wargaming
It’s fine. Miniature wargaming is going to be just fine. Check out this fantastic kid banging out videos like a boss: If you’re on the Youses and the Tubeses, and you’re worried about “the graying of the hobby”* why not throw the kid a follow to encourage him to...
Another Half-Hour One Hour Wargame Live Play
“Live Play” the man says in the title to describe a battle fought on the table two weeks ago. Whatever. I didn’t land on the post-definitional world, the post-definitional world landed on me. Here’s another battle report you can view from the comfort of your own bunker: In more...
Actual Play – Barbarian Prince – Episode 1
If you haven’t seen it yet, Castalia House Publishing has a new blog feature called Wargame Wednesdays, for all of us hex-and-counter-philes. The series has inspired me to push some cardboard around. All of my kids love themselves some Awful Green Things, and we spent a summer tooling about with...