Obligatory Still Kicking Post

If you must, feel free to insert a cliched “not dead yet” joke here. (That’s what most bloggers do when they return after an extended absence.)   Instead of that, I’m just going to stick with a meta-not-dead-yet joke instead.
At any rate…here are a couple of shots of the freshly painted pumphouse block.  It needs a coat of black wash to dull it out – it’s too bright compared to the rest of the buildings, but a shot of The Dip will fix it up just fine.

It might seem silly to prime those blue plastic electric boxes in preparation for painting them a slightly different shade of blue, but this shade matches the blue in the rest of the buildings on the table.  This helps the overall visual appeal of the neighborhood and helps tie everything together.

I considered painting the buildings a nice industrial green, but that wouldn’t work well with the green sludge pond.  I could have gone with blue water in the sludge pond, but The Dip would have made it look too muddy for my taste.  So here we are – blue buildings and green sludge make the pump house a less dull boy.

One thought on “Obligatory Still Kicking Post

  1. This is the way the world ends: not with a bang, but with "sorry I haven't updated for a while, I'll try to post more from now on".

    …seriously, I don't do miniatures much but I do enjoy your posts.

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