Dollar Trees

Not the stores, the miniature wargaming product that you can find in the diorama section of hobby and craft stores.  Ten sturdy plastic trees for around twelve dollars ain’t a bad price. Check out this little gem:

Safari LTD Trees Toob
Toob Trees – 10 hard plastic trees for ten bucks.

The scale on these things is great.  Here’s a shot with some previously showcased figures:

Thumbs up in my book, but I might have to give them an ink wash to add in some shading.  Those fall foliage trees look too cartoonish.

One thought on “Dollar Trees

  1. Thanks for sharing this discovery! Cheap, rugged terrain is always good to find, and I rather like the look of these. (Sure, the commercial wargaming/model railroading trees look great – but most of them shed all over and they're expensive!)

    Have you tried the plastic trees used for cake decorating. (I've been meaning to pick some up, but keep buying minis instead.) They're nowhere near as sturdy looking, but with some at six for a buck, the price is hard to beat.

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