I swear this isn’t turning into a Games Workshop blog. I’m just light on lead of my own to paint, and let’s face it – friends don’t let friends play with unpainted miniatures. So I painted up my son’s heavy flamers for him, too. He traded for a pair of Catachan heavies, but he’s running Cadians, so a quick conversion with headswaps and adding a shoulder plate turns them into the right kind of troops.
The guy on the left’s head broke off while spraying on the protective dull coat. I glued it back on, but it settled funny, so he’s got a lot more attitude now. These guys equipment doesn’t completely jive with the rest of the Cadians, but hey – these are different kinds of troopers. They run into battle with a ten gallon jug of high explosive gel strapped to their backs. They aren’t quite right in the head. Their equipment just reflects that.