Big Box Terrain, Part Three

Remember that plain old terry cloth battle mat I showed you last week?
For those who don’t.
It looks great!

Using a two-inch brush, I just dry brushed the whole darn thing in one short evening.  Before starting, I polished up the three terrain bases by adding static grass, as one does.  I’ve been using Battlefields’ “Field Grass” for no better reason than it’s what the local hobby shop carries.  That said, it’s great.  The late summer vibe that it has works well in just about any setting.

The goal here is to make a mat whose colors and texture is close enough to the terrain and army bases that they blend right in.  Dry brushing with my own selection of paints gives me a lot more control and allows me to perfectly match the static grass.

My color pallette.

Here’s a nice close-up shot of the drop cloth and the terrain bases.  You can even see how the dry brushing gives you a a nice layered effect to the surrounding grassland.  And the texture is low enough that it will work great with the 6mm figures that will someday water this field with blood.

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