This was over in G+, and it deserves to be shared with the wider world. Jeffro posted this amazing quote by the space pirate Captain Jaren, of the Shibboleth, which perfectly encapsulates the feeling of Nethereal:
“Our plan to liberate Tharis went down in flames, thanks to Malachi. All that’s left of the resistance is one ship and a skeleton crew. Vernon’s offered us a way to start again somewhere else. Let the Guild keep this godforsaken Stratum. We’ll make our own world. By our rules.”
That’s a great quote, if that doesn’t charge you up, if that doesn’t make you want to read the book, if that doesn’t make you want to find an impossible battle to fight, then you have a very sick soul. I don’t even know what to tell you. Have fun watching the Kardashians, maybe?
It charged me up, and inspired me to respond:
“Our plan to liberate the Hugos went down in flames thanks to Scalzi. All that’s left of the resistance is one blog and a skeleton crew. Vox’s offered us a way to start again somewhere else. Let Tor keep this Godforsaken market. We’ll make our own media. By our rules.”