Category: Uncategorized

Hyde’s Reach: A New Campaign

There’s a new wargame campaign in the House of Wargaming, and it’s in a genre that I’m not too familiar with.  Luckily, you don’t have to be to get started.  You can learn on the fly, which is a lot easier when you’ve got a guide like Henry Hyde...

By Semi-Popular Demand

First of all: big new project in the works. Expect a busy July. Second of all: Hitting the five-thousand subscriber mark over on the Wargame Channel marks a significant milestone. The interest is there, and growth continues at a steady pace of a thousand new subscribers every seven months...

Classic Traveller: Brief Update

We’ve got our first space princess! Okay, so Queen Carrere Tiadime (“tee-uh-dee-may”) isn’t technically a princess, but she must have been at some point.  Today, however, she serves as the current head of the largest polity on Blaine’s World, which is ruled by a hereditary oligarchy, and how does...

Traveller: Chad’s First Freelance

The people have spoken, and the Blackreef Syndic needs our hero, one Chad Solo, to recover some very important and hush-hush company materiel that they quote misplaced unquote somewhere out in interSyndican waters.  The Blackreef Syndic, in the person of mid-level Admin named Joan Alice, offered Chad Solo a...

College Football, We Hardly Knew Ye

Having discovered the pleasures of ten-minute game summaries on YouTube, few of which spoil the ending, I made something of a reacquaintance with college football in 2023.  It proved to be a good year to do so, as a former Michigander, it gave me great pleasure to watch from...

Site Upgrade

It’s not a huge improvement, but it should make everyone’s life a little easier. I kicked up a new page that has links to the most commonly requested resources on this site.  It’s more sparse than I expected it to be after all these years.  We’ll add to it...

D0rf Fortressing

We needed a full roster of the dwarves of Romek Zoden.  Fortunately for us, the Monster Manual provides us with some guidance.  I’ve already pushed out a YuTuub Short detailing the process, so let me just hit you with the high points. The base number of dwarves (4d10 x 10)...

The Solo (Not Quite) AD&D Fire Still Rises

A new Challenger enters the lists! A Prince of Parma, who I’m pretty sure comments on my vidjas has taken up the solo wargaming gauntlet with the devil of his own, this time into ACKs.  Even better, he is documenting his Campaign on Cosoricalta in long form blog posts!...

Old Game Appreciators Mutual Aid Society

The long form example of AD&D at play has been a fascinating experiment, and one that has taught me a new appreciation for both AD&D and the joys of solo RPGs. Discovering the hidden gem of solo gaming buried within Gygax’s masterpiece has led me to wonder what other...

What We Deal With

The old man is yelling at clouds again. Fortunately for us, this provides an excellent opportunity to refresh our memories on how a “motte and bailey” con works. Here is the motte of an obvious and uncontroversial statement: And here is the bailey of his bold and controversial claim:...