There’s no one way to slay a dragon. It takes a combination of strength, fortitude, and brains. Father Abner Holyoak’s adventurous days of crusading are long past him, but when he stumbles into a dark manor house plagued by a vague menace, he knows that he is the right man in the right place at the right time. Priest, historian, scholar, and wandering mendicant, Abner Holyoak might just be the only man in Christendom that c
an free the Duke of Saltzburg and his family from the dark force that has made the Duke’s house it’s own home.
Clocking it a 20,000 words, this fourth installment in the Five Dragons series, makes for an inexpensive and thrilling way to kill an hour or so. It’s available today at fine websites everywhere. And if you enjoy it, there are already three others in the same vein waiting for you as well.