Hello, fellow authors! Bryce Beattie didn’t learn anything from watching Cirsova. Like Alex, he loves pulpy fun more than he loves money and free time. In order to keep the twin scourges of disposable income and sleep at bay, he has put out a call for submissions for Story Hack, Action and Adventure, The Magazine.
Bryce is paying semi-pro rates for an Issue Zero, with the intention of using it as a proof of concept to launch a KickStarter Campaign to fund future installments. His pitch is a fast ball, low and outside, just the way power sluggers like them:
I’m open to any genre, as long as there’s at least one good meaty action scene in there. Bonus points for extra adventure. And I’m serious when I say any genre. Sword & sorcery, lost world, occult detective, alien fighter pilot, western horror, you’re limited only by your imagination. Think Robert E. Howard, Edgar Rice Burroughs, Dashiell Hammett, Doc E. E. Smith. Think fun and energetic.
I submitted a story within 48-hours of hearing about Story Hack.
Why am I telling you this? If phenomenal talents like Rawle and De Arroz and the rest of Team Crimethink throw their hat in the ring, won’t that make it less likely mine gets picked out of the slush pile for a slot in the magazine? Maybe. But the world needs more outlets like Story Hack.
Daddy Warpig style rants are a lot of fun, but it’s real world rubber meeting the road applications like Story Hack that are going to drive the Pulp Revolution into the future. So Bryce needs all the submissions he can get. The more he gets, the more options he has, and the better the quality in the final product.
And that’s my real motivation here. Bryce already sold me a copy of the final magazine with that submission pitch, and I want it chock a block full with the best stories possible. That might mean YOUR story, but only if you sit down and write, polish, and hit that sweet, sweet “Submit” button – the deadline is April 1.