Another Round

A Teaser for my next release

Things are really starting to cook here at Chateau Seagull.  The first draft of my next novel is complete.  It’s going to simmer for a while before the second pass through, but it should be available before the end of the month – mid May at the latest.

In addition to that big announcement, I’ve also written two more Karl Barber short stories.  Those have been submitted to editors for consideration to be included in collections of one sort or another.

I’ve upped my game for the Hugo Nominated Castalia House Blog (run by Hugo Nominee Jeffro Johnson) to posted a short review every week.

As if that wasn’t enough, the audio files for the audiobook presentation of Forbidden Thoughts, by Superversive press are in the can.  They need to go through editing and polish, but you can expect that to hit the market in the next month or so as well.

Which leaves me with a little free time at just the right time.  The Puppy of the Month Book Club is reading and discussing Souldancer this month and at 500+ pages, it’s one of the longest we’ve ever read.  It’s such a great book, I have a hard time stopping to write, as I’d rather just keep reading it.

It’s a good time to be a fan of sci-fi.

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