Rocket’s Red Glare

Who says short fiction is dead?  Not Kieth West:

“From distant galaxies to the mean streets of Hollywood . . . from the war-torn skies of France in 1918 to the far side of the moon . . . The stories in Rocket’s Red Glare exemplify the adventure, courage, and sense of discovery so vital to the American spirit. Whether daring to cross interstellar space or battling alien conquerors when they come right to our own back yard, the characters in these tales never give up, never stop fighting for their country, their lives, their honor. Featuring all-new stories by Sarah A. Hoyt (part of her USAian series), Brad R. Torgersen, Martin L. Shoemaker, Lou Antonelli, James Reasoner, and more, Rocket’s Red Glare is packed with space opera excitement, dazzling scientific speculation, gritty action, and compelling characters.”

 I’ve got a copy burning away on my Kindle – can’t wait to read it, because there are a lot of great names on that cover.

Get your own copy here.

2 thoughts on “Rocket’s Red Glare

  1. I downloaded a sample on your recommendation. Finished Sudden Rescue last night. Loved it. Will give it a 5 star review on amazon. louise3anne on twitter

  2. Hey, thanks, Louise! I'm finding Rocket's Red Glare a mixed bag, but don't mind, because that's half the fun of collections – wading through the midlist to find the shining gems.

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