Comics Exposure

Comic book fandom is one of those things that I’ve accreted through sheer osmosis.  Love the concept, love the culture, but never had the time, never had the money, but always had friends with both.  Whether it was reading an issue or two left on a couch or thrust into my hands at a friend’s house, or catching up on trade paperbacks at the library (read: five years late), or just sitting back and listening to fans talk about the things, I’ve managed to keep up with all of the most important story lines.  Dark Phoenix Saga, Secret Wars, Supes punching reality in the face and rebooting the DC line, you’re talking to a guy who can at least ask intelligent questions about what’s up with the four color tales.

Now it’s the internet’s favorite complaints box, Twitter, that keeps me up on the latest dirt.  Or so I thought, until somebody passed me a link to “Diversity and Comics”.  It’s not what you think.  It’s actually a series of thoughtful and intelligent reviews of comics by a guy interesting and funny enough to be sitting next to you at the gaming table.  Just check out the title on this bad boy:

Not only is the narrator an experienced and thoughtful reviewer of comic books as a specific medium, he has phenomenal insight into storytelling, heroism, action, and the all the rest of the #PulpRevolution’s greatest hits.

Forget Game of Thrones, I’ll be binge watching this for the next few days.

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