One of the reasons that the publishers in New York are doing everything they can to isolate independent writers and publishers like Castalia House is that they know it plays a vital role in establishing what kind of future we will have. We represent a threat not just to their pocketbooks, but a threat to their goal to completely secularize all life in America. Science-fiction grounded in a Christian worldview – even if it isn’t explicit in the way of C. S. Lewis’ Space Trilogy – serves as a counter to their efforts, and as one grounded in truth and beauty it represents a far more appealing vision of the future than anything the secular nihilists living in NYC can possibly offer.
In the run up to this year’s Hugo Awards, the mainstream media is once again turning its attention to pushing back against rebellious newcomers like yours truly by fluffing up the credentials of the intersectionalists, secularists, and just plain Marxists. NPR’s Big Picture ran a typical overview piece that mistakenly reports science fiction’s birth in the 1950s and repeats the lie of the false Trinity of the pervert Heinlein, the hack Asimov, and the pedophile Clarke. No mention of Edgar Rice Burroughs or E.E. Doc Smith – at least in the first 30 minutes of the show. I grew bored hearing the usual lies and distortion repeated and as such could not stomach the rest.
I did hear them mention and thereby tacitly endorse authors like boring Kim Stanley Robinson, a Marxist who wields global warming as a political club, and Margaret Atwood, author of the latest rage amongst the “haven’t read a book since Harry Potter” crowd. Her mediocre and contradictory book, “The Handmaid’s Tale” is an explicitly feminist tale based in profoundly stupid understandings of how people work, but which has nevertheless proven to be a popular means of fearmongering by the elites.
Brace yourself for a wave of this sort of typical midwit writing by Fake Science Fiction fans writing stories about fake science fiction. For far greater insights into the state of science-fiction today, watch the following video. The narrator is talking about Marvel comic books, but his insights are accurate across all media. He might as well be talking about the Hugo Awards.
If you can’t stomach fake science fiction, why not give the real thing a shot. I’ve got a post-apocalyptic tale featuring real people, real adventure, and real science fiction:
3 thoughts on “They Know”
The pity-and warning-is that the original Squirrel Girl was created by a pulpster, and was far more classical in design and in story. The video's comic book version is a pod-person wearing a Squirrel Girl-suit.
As for SFF, I'm leaning towards the generation of Baen, Doherty, and their peers as where the wheels really started to fly off. The Futurians, at least, liked a little pulp…
That tracks with what I'm seeing. The pulp style was strong enough that it can handle more dilution than most and still give you something to hold grab hold of. Also, the secular rot didn't really kick into overdrive until the Boomers started writing. I have a 'generational' post coming up later on that goes into that aspect in more detail.
Late to the party, but think of all the comic heroes that were created by pulp authors or people who read the pulps. Gardener Fox (Golden Age DC and Silver Age DC), Jack Kirby, Steve Ditko, Stan Lee, Wally Wood, Don Heck — very few people built "comics" into the Big Two.
Not surprising that the current crop of writers and artists not only ignore, but belittle Pulp and the history of the Comics' creators and their original intent.
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The pity-and warning-is that the original Squirrel Girl was created by a pulpster, and was far more classical in design and in story. The video's comic book version is a pod-person wearing a Squirrel Girl-suit.
As for SFF, I'm leaning towards the generation of Baen, Doherty, and their peers as where the wheels really started to fly off. The Futurians, at least, liked a little pulp…
That tracks with what I'm seeing. The pulp style was strong enough that it can handle more dilution than most and still give you something to hold grab hold of. Also, the secular rot didn't really kick into overdrive until the Boomers started writing. I have a 'generational' post coming up later on that goes into that aspect in more detail.
Late to the party, but think of all the comic heroes that were created by pulp authors or people who read the pulps. Gardener Fox (Golden Age DC and Silver Age DC), Jack Kirby, Steve Ditko, Stan Lee, Wally Wood, Don Heck — very few people built "comics" into the Big Two.
Not surprising that the current crop of writers and artists not only ignore, but belittle Pulp and the history of the Comics' creators and their original intent.