One path is paved with hard work and dedication. Years of long hours, careful study, and constant effort are necessary to climb this path. Some say a million words must be written before producing a writer worth reading. If you take this path, the world around you will constantly roll rocks your way. They will tempt you to turn back, or to stop and rest. This path is a long and lonely path that no one can walk for you. Along the way you might meet a few fellow travelers who will point out the rocks, warn you away from dead ends, and offer encouraging words now and then. But the actual process of climbing is up to you. Call this path, “What You Know”.
Naturally, the two paths intersect and intertwine. Even the most brilliant author must rely on the generosity of publishers, critics, and readers to spread the word of their latest masterpiece. Even the most unctuous author must at some point put words to the page, and every patron has his limits. The market will only bear so much incompetence, and every patron’s patience with authors who lose money has its limit. As a result, every author spends some time on the first path and some on the second.