Lead Mountain is tapped out. There’s no more gold in them thar hills. How does that happen? I mean, sure there are a few mounted Musketeers and an odd bit or bob that could use some paint, but I’m raring to add to the 15mm fantasy, and that means there’s only one thing to do – hit the bits box!
One busted up Lion King CD, some card stock, a few wooden dowels and washers later and behold! The lost Bloodstone Temple. The round wooden disc under the sacrificial black stone might just hold the entrance to a lost tomb, but how to open it?
This is one of those ‘found mysteries’ that make miniature wargaming so much fun. I set out to make a set piece for a battle map, maybe a nice objective for two factions to war over, and the only decent stone that worked for a sacrificial altar was a little too slanted on one side. Placing a wooden bit and painting it as a nice red granite slab elevated one end of the altar, but it also makes for the perfect covering for a short drop into a lost tomb.
That looks really good. Well done! I do like it.
Stunning job, it looks superb and very realistic!