You may have noticed that my wizard’s tower included a wooden base. That one was 3-mm thick wood, but after a recent pet shelf building exercise, I found myself left with a few extra pieces of MDF and Oh Em Gee is this stuff a lot easier to work with. The scales have fallen from my eyes, and I now understand why so many guys use this stuff. It’s easy to cut with a coping saw. It’s easy to sand with a belt sander. It’s easy to paint and holds its shape like an aging supermodel.
The ones with more rocks don’t need any extra items, they can serve as unwooded rough ground. Any one of these can take a few individually mounted trees and serve as the bounds of a small copse of trees that block sight and make travel difficult. The rock and logs come straight from my yard.
It occurs to me that I’m doing this a little backwards. Normally I buy the drop cloth and match colors to it. This time I’ve been too busy to track down the heavy canvas that is my first choice for drop cloths. C’est la vie. It will be ready when it is ready.
Excellent, and useful!