Spreading the Love

When David V. Stewart put out a call to donate works to a free anthology of stories to distract people from the current Big Hoopty, I jumped at the chance.  It’s not often you get the opportunity to offer some escape from the horrors of modern germ-warfare to a billion people.

Within two days he threw together this incredible collection of works from some of the heaviest of the heavy hitters of the pulse-pounding, pulp-astounding subculture retaking genre fiction from the ossified and sissified writers who publish from Snoozeville on the Hudson.

My own offering of Adventure Constant represents just a fraction of the 200,000 words you can grab for free, and has been re-written, just a touch, to include a don’t-blink-or-you’ll-miss-it cameo by the eponymous s CoronaChan her own infectious self.

Click the image and grab a copy while you can.  This represents a short-term deal to give those facing a looming economic crash a chance at some entertainment.  It has also been priced right where readers can take a risk-free chance on some new names in genre writing, just on the off chance that they find a new source of great reads.  A lot of others have already taken the plunge, with the title reaching number one on Amazon’s free reads.

Hope you enjoy it – stay safe out there everyone!  I’m praying for you.


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