Of which I took two. For permanence, the base and top have been joined permanently, creating a sort of summoning circle. The round altar pillar has a convenient bit of stone finishing on top, making the pedestal a perfect height and look for a dark altar graven with ghastly visages and pressed with the bones of its victims. Yeah, the skulls on the dais are a little oversized, but that can be chalked up to either stone carven skulls, or the skulls of giants, depending on the DMs mood and inclination. The latter – ten giants killed to create the dais – has wide ranging implications perfect for your chief, jarl, or king’s local steading, rift, or hall.
The pre-primer on these resin pieces didn’t work out so well. The red basecoat, done to provide a hint of eldritch and bloody mortar joining the stones, took several coats to reslly stick. Next time I will prime coat Wiz-Kid’s ‘preprimed’ figures for better and more consistent coverage.
Nice terrain pieces, thanks for the tip.