The online wargaming world features a dearth of wargaming videos that feature smaller and more quirky fare. The Youses and he Tubeses and the Twitches have plenty of chubby beard-o weird-o’s uploading hours of content dedicated to the 800-pound gorilla games. Some of those channels are even pretty good, and my personal favorite the 800-pound gorilla of wargaming channels, Guerilla Miniature Games, even dips down into the Osprey ranges often enough to keep me checking in on a regular basis.
To help close that gap in the line, I’ve started my own channel – a way of giving back to the community from which I have learned so much. The Joy of Wargaming will feature a host of topics, including play-throughs, rule reviews, unboxings, and my own favorite feature, Painting Alone Together, in which I slap some paint on my figures and throw some observations, tips, and commentaries along the way.
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