A Heavy Dose of 15mm Sci-Fi Fun

The Alternative-Armies great big sci-fi-stravaganza has added a whole lot of fun to my collection.  Before, I had at least one of everything that I needed.  Now, I’ve got all sorts of options, and if my Void Pirate early plays are any indication, they will be put to good use.  Let’s kick off the night’s entertainment with some entertainers.

And then add a beefy squad of high-tech savages to the mix.  That mad lad in the center is a Draccian 28mm figure, but he’s a close enough match to the rest of the boy-o’s that we’ll call him a nob of sorts – the biggest of these boys just keep on growing until they are dead.

And then add some ladies to the fun.  Space witch, heavy lass, and Missus Blade.

A proud couple of legal-beagles who are aren’t to defend their kith and kin when the slavering hordes show up on their doostep.

And a half-dozen general heroic types including a couple of techies and some dashing square-jawed chads ready to leap into action, gun frst.  Love these Flash Gordon/Buck Rogers throwbacks.  They just make me want to run a wholesome good fight between the American way of freedom and burgers and the perfidious alien way of collectivism and soccer.

Don’t be surprised if you see a few of these guys show up on The Joy of Wargaming.  They are too much fun to spend a lot of time in storage.

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