New Era, Who Dis?

 Sometimes it do be like dis:

Yeah, I made the mistake of re-watching Master and Commander. Naturally, that means I need to get into a new era and scale of wargaming. Happens all the time.
I’m going with 1:2400 scale figures and that means  as a complete noob, I went with two starter packs, the American and the Barbary pirates and privateers pack. The tumbling Dice website does list which packets are included, but I thought you might want to see what they look like lined up on the table.
ASA17 – Napoleonic Sinking Frigates
Sharp eyed readers will notice that the pirate and American packs that I’ve ordered are limited to the smaller 5th rate and below ships.  I’m okay with this, as it represents a bit of a toe-dip, and if the era plays as fun as hoped, there is plenty of room to expand the collection to include a matched pair of the heavy bruiser ship packs with 1st rates and escorts, and maybe an inshore squadron for that sweet bomb raft addition.
ASN MSP3 – Privateers and Barbary Corsairs

ASN MSP4 – American 1814

These were a nightmare to put together and involved a considerable amount of superglue, stripped skin, and sweaty brows.  And I’m really looking forward to ordering more of them.

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