X To Doubt: The Derailment Edition

Every time you see one of these national comparisons, remember that Cuba uses a very different definition for “infant mortality” than the United States.

It could be that all three countries are using an international standard definition for the term “derailment”, but in less than until you are shown otherwise, you can be forgiven for doubting the unstated conclusion toward which Scott is attempting to lead you.

Is it only a derailment if the train is moving at high speed? Are derailments that occur in the rail yard distinguished from derailments that occur out on the lines?  Does it count as a derailment if a wheel leaves the track and then returns to the track without incident? Do different countries have different thresholds for reporting requirements?

These are important questions that must be considered before coming to any hasty conclusions. The fact that Scott up there offers a CNN article as his citation – a CNN article! – does his statement no favors.

He may be right. America’s elites care little for the people whom they profess to serve.  The malicious glee that they express when derailments occur in flyover country mirrors the glee they express when the School shooters target parochial schools.

He may be right.  The crumbling infrastructure that Americans see in our daily travels is a bludgeon wielded by both sides of the monoparty. They both claim to want to fix it, and when the budget is due use the issue to pack the budget with pork.

He may be right. But his motives and his data points are as suspect as his sources.

As usual, keep your skepticism well-honed.

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