Like many on my side of the political chasm, I’ve enjoyed my share of schadenfreude while watching meltdowns by emotionally unstable losers. Sometimes my conscience twinges at the thought that many of these poor, lost souls could benefit from a strong and healthy dose of compassion.
Many of those screaming the loudest about the results of November 5th are victims of an emotionally abusive partner. It’s just that the partner in question is the Blue Party:
- It lies to them
- It threatens to kill itself if they don’t do what it say
- It threatens violence if it doesn’t get its way
These are the classic signs of an abusive relationship, and its up to all of us to be aware of the damage it causes and to be ready to lend support to those who are ready to escape from the toxic relationship.
What these ladies really need is a restraining order banning the Party and its media enablers from contacting them or coming within 100 yards of them, but let’s be honest…that’s never going to happen. So it’s up to us to reach out to them and offer the kind of support they need.
Naturally, when you step in to stop a victim’s partner from abusing her, she’ll turn on you out of a misguided sense of loyalty or out of a fear of retribution. Sometimes they’ll do this because they are afraid of being ostracized from a social circle than enables their partner and shames her if she ever expresses a desire to leave. By all means, mock those that enable abusive behavior, they are terrible and deserve all the pain you can inflict. But as you do so, also look for the signs that she is ready to escape from the toxic relationship.
The Center for Prevention of Abuse has some valuable tips for helping them escape the cycle of abuse. Express concern. Let them know you think they are strong and brave. Be patient.
You can’t save them all, and you probably won’t be able to do it all yourself. But maybe, with a little compassion and good judgement, you can help set someone on the road to recovery.
The plea stems in part from a desire to do your Christian duty to save the daughters of Eve from their own fallen nature, but there is also a more mercenary motivation behind it. Unlike the surrender monkeys among the Red Party, this call for a bit of compassion isn’t a call for unilateral disarmament. Instead, it’s a call to keep an eye out from members of the enemy camp that can be brought across the DMZ and welcomed home. There are whole divisions of potential recruits who could find a lifelong home among those who love them for who they are and what they have to offer beyond mere votes.