
With apologies to Splintered Light… The deeper levels of Castle Meatgrinder are populated by the slimiest critters in the dungeon.  Oozes, slugs, and all sorts of wet nasties – you can’t get slimier than actual slimes, after all.  Naturally, these fellows are perfectly at home in the dank corners...

Rattenkrieg: Assault on the Tractor Factory

Through his excellent wargame podcast, Wargames To Go, Mark Johnson introduced me to the concept of postcard wargames.  These are mini-microgames that make One Page Bulge look like Fortress Europa, but don’t let that fool you.  They might not fill a table or a weekend, but the right mix of...

Most Writing Advice Sucks

The original purpose of this blog was to catalog a journey from the cubical farm to the easy life of a career writer.  It seemed like a legitimate purpose for a blog, a way to take constant stock of my writing progress, and maybe give a little something back...

The Shallows: A Female Protagonist Done Right

The Seagull does not talk about movies very often.  For the most part, he only looks at Hollywood through the rearview mirror.  They clearly don’t like me.  They’ve made that fact abundantly clear over the last few years.  They might want my money or attention, but until they stop berating...

Religion: Let’s Not Make a Big Thing Of It

I am increasingly leaning towards using Christianity as the default religion of the world of Castle Meatgrinder. For one thing, this is in keeping with the Appendix N style of literature that my own worlds favor.  Books like “The Dragon and the George” and “Three Hearts and Three Lions”...

Hopping on Brown Beauty

Joe needs a little push to sit down and get cranking, so this Pulp Revolutionary is pointing to the church tower and shouting, “One if by blog, two if by Gab!”    I don’t know whether this kernel might grow into a book that qualifies as part of the...

Dicks Out

As a certifiable L-7 square, I don’t typically work blue, but the title to this post is the traditional cry of those who seek to remember a gentle inspirational giant taken from us too soon.   Yeah, this is still the internet.  These cave apes are a special

Scanning the New Pulp Horizon

For those of you who don’t read footnotes, Rawle Nyanzi, a young man writing his own survey of Appendix N literature, is writing a book of his own.  As mentioned previously, I’m looking forward to seeing how a millennial approaches pulp writing.  He is a self-professed follower of the “new...

Three Body Problem

Luke Daniels read Three Body Problem to me during my daily commute, and he is an excellent narrator.  I’d have taken physical notes on his performance if I wasn’t busy driving, texting, and eating, all at the same time.  (I kid.)  As it was, I did take a lot...

Quick Hit: Kid Stuff

The 11 year old has a little extra time on her hands this week, so she decided the miniature collection needed a few additions.  Here, a cleaner bot (left) has been interrupted by a tentacular blue alien (right).  Proud poppa is proud....