The Cargo Cult of New Pulp Media

Those of us laboring in the trenches to drag science fiction and/or fantasy (sf/f) literature onto a new track spent decades lost in a desert wasteland with only the occasional Cryptonomicon or Eifelheim oasis to slake our thirst.  And even those novels, great as they are, can’t hope to satisfy...

Wargaming Report: One Page Rules

For the first time in quite a while, a two-hour window of opportunity presented itself.  The boy wasn’t interested in a little light gaming, but his 11 year old sister was.  After a few minutes reviewing Osprey’s trusty Black Ops rules, her eyes started to glaze over, so we...

Down the Dragon Hole

Click to buy After the heavy mythic fare of Thune’s Vision, Make Death Proud to Take Us serves as a light chaser – at least the stories I’ve read from it so far. Down The Dragon Hole, by Morgon Newquist, is a fun romp of a fantasy tale featuring…well, just...

Vote for Granddaddy – D&D Belongs in the Toy Hall of Fame

By way of Gamers and Grognards: That’s right. There is a Toy Hall of Fame, and this year D&D is a nominee for induction! As of right now, it has the highest number of votes. Let’s keep it that way and get D&D into the Toy Hall of Fame!...

In Digital Stores Now: The King’s Dragon

If you’re not the kind of reader who pre-orders books.  Maybe you want to buy and read.  Either way, it’s cool.  You don’t have to worry about that any more, because today is the day that The King’s Dragon is available for purchase and reading in the same day....

Puppy of the Month: Nine Princes in Amber

Picture above: Frisky, Jon, and Nate It turns out Amber is a city, not a fantasy version of carbonite.  Who knew?  Before this month, not me!  We’re talking a little Zelazny over there this month, so don’t miss out.  My own brief review went up today, but you’ll want...

One for the Pulp Revolutionaries

This was over in G+, and it deserves to be shared with the wider world.  Jeffro posted this amazing quote by the space pirate Captain Jaren, of the Shibboleth, which perfectly encapsulates the feeling of Nethereal: “Our plan to liberate Tharis went down in flames, thanks to Malachi. All that’s left of...

More Hernstrom: Thune’s Vision

Click to buy There truly is no writer working today who better exemplifies the Pulp Revolution than Schuyler Hernstrom.  I know what you’re thinking, but talking about what we’re reading lately is the point of this exercise, and I’ve been reading Hernstrom, so I’m talking about Hernstrom.  I wanted to see...

Available for Pre-Order: King’s Dragon

My latest novella is now available for pre-order from Jason Tavener is an old soldier gone to seed.  He just wants to live out his days raising a daughter and schlepping drinks for the humble farmers and tradesmen of a high mountain village.  His battlefield experience and the friendship of a...

A Retraction, A Clarification, and Some Inspiration

A flurry of discussion followed my last post, and a man whom I deeply respect (Daddy Warpig)offered up this bit of constructive criticism: Pundit believes the OSR, and D&D as a whole, is too tied to Western Fantasy tropes. He thinks Appendix N keeps the OSR mired in the...