Available for Pre-Order: King’s Dragon
My latest novella is now available for pre-order from Amazon.com: Jason Tavener is an old soldier gone to seed. He just wants to live out his days raising a daughter and schlepping drinks for the humble farmers and tradesmen of a high mountain village. His battlefield experience and the friendship of a...
A Retraction, A Clarification, and Some Inspiration
A flurry of discussion followed my last post, and a man whom I deeply respect (Daddy Warpig)offered up this bit of constructive criticism: Pundit believes the OSR, and D&D as a whole, is too tied to Western Fantasy tropes. He thinks Appendix N keeps the OSR mired in the...
Jeffro’s Appendix N, A Brief Primer for New Recruits
Welcome to the Pulp Revolution. If you have your dog-eared copy of “A Princess of Mars” handy, you’re in the right place. How we got here is a bit of a long story, and you may have some questions. What follows is a brief summary of how we got...
E-Book Covers – Let’s See Some Action Out There!
A great blog post came over my transom today, and every e-book publisher needs to read. James Harris, of Auxiliary Memory writes: I’ve always loved dust jacket art on science fiction hardbacks. I also love cover art on science fiction paperbacks, and cover art on science fiction magazines. But what...
Space Pirates Are In My Wheelhouse
It turns out spending time on social media poking around the fringes of modern publishing has blown up my reading queue. I haven’t had this much great stuff rain down on me since Matt moved to town my sophomore year of high school and brought his father’s full basement...
Short Fiction: The Challenger’s Garland
The first short story in Schuyler Herntrom’s collection, Thune’s Vision, is The Challenger’s Garland, is the worst thing I’ve ever read by Mr. Hernstrom. If you’ve been following this blog you know that doesn’t tell you much. His stories included in the first two issues of Cirsova Magazine, were brilliant,...
Let’s Get Something Straight Here, People
When you come around these parts, and you see a lot of links to the Puppy of the Month Club, recommendations for The Good Stuff, and pointers to blogs by The Usual Suspects? There’s a reason for that, and no, it’s not because I’m desperate for filler posts or...
Signal Boost: Geek Gab With Schuyler Hernstrom
Pictured above: Me I make no apologies nor excuses for being a raging Schuyler Hernstrom fanboy. (The only reason that I haven’t already read everything the man has written is that I’m savoring the wait. That, and the Puppy of the Month Book Club dictating my reading list and...
Ten Gentle Opportunities, by Jeff Duntemann
Last Friday’s post was essentially a call to arms for readers who enjoy the counter-culture movement within science fiction and fantasy to take a few risks and try novels by newer authors. It is young, this backlash against modern identitarian…stories? (It’s hard to use the term ‘stories’ when so...
The New World of Longshot Reads
A while back a guy by the name of Jeff Duntemann crossed my Twit Box path. Two tweets in he tossed me a link to a book he had written called Ten Gentle Opportunities. The plug was so natural that it made me laugh…and it made me three dollar...