This Is Why We Fight

It’s everywhere. Cruising around with my daughter as she peck, peck, pecked at her cell phone, she snorted in disgust.  “This stupid game,” she sneered.  “You see what I have to deal with?” At the next stoplight she showed me what was on the screen.  She had been playing...

It’s Wizard Time

Nothing like a pair of bright and colorful wizards to add a little flair to the collection.   ...

What It’s All About

You, gentle reader, are not alone.  Thanks to the kind and generous support of fellow travelers Jeffro, PC Bushi, and Cirsova, the traffic on this blog has jumped to levels that should have taken months to reach.  Before we get into a timely introduction for recent regular visitors, let...

Stranger Things, It’s Decent

We’re almost living in golden age of television production.  The production costs are lower, the transmission methods varied, and the consumer market fractured to the point that it is easier than ever to allow for quality production of niche programming.  Producers are free to be daring, take risks, and...


Who, me? A funny thing happened on the way to the regularly scheduled Democratic candidate speech dedicated to calling Republican voters racist.  While describing the latest oogity-boogity man to shore up support from the perpetually frightened voters, some non-violent protestor exercised his right to freedom of speech by shouting out,...

Two Panels Diverged

While shouldering my way through a particularly grinding commute this week, I found myself with the time to listen to a pair of mp3’s that had been sitting on my phone.  The first was a recording of the 2016 Worldcon panel on “State of Short Fiction”that saw its moderator,...

A Kind of Dog and Pony Show

What kind of dog and pony show?  The kind without dogs.  These two packhorses are from  They come one each in their adventurer’s packs.  As you can tell, I’ve got two adventurer’s packs to paint.  The thief is from that same pack. Here is a comparison shot of...

Puppy of the Month Book Club

In an effort to build up the fan community for those who love Sad Puppy, Rabid Puppy, and Puppy-related works, I’ve started the Puppy of the Month Book Club.  This new blog will select one book a month from either of the official Puppy Hugo lists, or at least...

You’re Welcome, Hugos

Each of the last two year’s of Hugo Awards have seen more ink spilled across the dinosaur media than in any ten years previous, combined.  All of this attention was garnered not for the quality of the works presented at the Hugos, and not as a small part of...

Hero Time!

In addition to the previously shown mercenaries, players wanting a run through Castle Meatgrinder will have plenty of elves, dwarves, and human heroes of both sexes to choose from.  The painting of these will take a little longer, as I’ve been painting in groups of two to four at...