Backing A Book You Can’t Read

My cover artist, Rapha Pinheiro, launched his crowd funding project for his next comicbook: Salto is a Fantasy Steampunk, written and drawn in France when I was living in Angoulême to study comics. The book tells the story of Nu, an inhabitant of an underground city where everyone is made...

On Romance

“Wait.  So you like romance, Dad?” My teen daughter asked this perfectly legitimate question in the middle of house cleaning, interrupting one of my typical soliloquies on the problems of modern storytelling.  (If you think the PulpRev-o-Sphere is bad, trying living with one of us.  This isn’t an act,...

Gaming Dry Spell Status: Over

It’s been far too long since I’ve been able to sit down at a table and enjoy a little light conversation while pouring over a board covered with little plastic pieces.  Over the weekend, thanks to my daughter’s generosity with her time, I managed to break the dry spell...

Adventure Constant

For those of you who pre-ordered my latest written book, my eternal thanks.  For those of you who have yet to order, today is the day you can one-click the digital version and start reading within moments.  Here, let me help you with that:...

Do We Need God To Be Good

Castalia House recently released my latest audiobook, Do We Need God To Be Good? by C. R. Hallpike.  This book provides more than a scientific and philosophical look at the religious underpinnings of effective morality, it also presents a case-by-case autopsy of the victims of secular moral systems.  Hallpike...

The Mollison Method

Dorrinal interviewed the Mark Kern on yesterday’s edition of Game Night, part of the Geek Gab Multimedia Entertainment Conglomerate.  The chat for all of their shows is worth the price of admission alone; the regular crew features faces familiar to those of you following the PulpRev social media circles,...

It’s Research, Not Gravedancing

My morning commute has slowly evolved into the Diversity and Comics Roadshow.  For those not in the know, the nameless creator of this YouTube series talks comics.  Usually, he reviews a single issue of a comic book, but he also produces episodes on various subjects, many of which revolve...

Two Paths Converged

Two paths will lead you to the heights of literary success, and neither of them are free of rocks, wrong turns, and pitfalls.     One path is paved with hard work and dedication.  Years of long hours, careful study, and constant effort are necessary to climb this path. ...

Unexpected Classical Music

Lately I’ve been enjoying a lot of saxophone quartet music while writing.  Saxophone quartets are grossly underrated.  String quartets get the headlines because in the small parlors of the 1700s, the lightweight and soft tones didn’t blast the audience seated just a few feet away, but I’m partial to the sound of...

New Release: Adventure Constant

Available for pre-order now at, Adventure Constant: A Tale of the Planetary Romantic.  Clear your calendar for the August 1 release date, because you’re not going to want to put this one down until you hit the last page.Jack Dashing thought being a rocket test pilot was the...