The Invisible City, By Brian K. Lowe

This is my kind of throwback.  Brian K. Lowe is one of those authors that Cirsova introduced to me.  His story, Hoskin’s War, in the second issue featured a grossly under-utilized setting for fantasy – the American frontier in the days of the American War of Independence.  It took a...

Children of Mordor

The biggest warband in Castle Meatgrinder must be the ravening horde of orcs.  You can get an even two dozen of these bad boys from Splintered Light for twenty bucks.  And these figures pretty well match the style of those in the Jim Roslof artwork on the cover of...

The Yanthus Prime Job

It looks like this blog may just be turning into a book review blog.  Things are pretty crazy right now what with the audio book recording, trying to finish “Five Dragons” before the end of the year – a long shot, to be honest – cranking away on a...

See, Your King Comes To You

And he brings the greatest gift of all.     It’s yours if you want it.  All you have to do is accept it....

A Time for Elfs

Merry Christmas! Ral Partha Europe makes another appearance in the depths of the dungeons beneath Castle Meatginder.  This time its a full unit of wood elves painted in muted blues and browns.  This makes for a pretty good range of character choices.  You’ve got everything from magic elf to...

Let’s Get This Over With, or, Two Reviews

Writing difficult reviews isn’t a lot of fun, so this post features two.  Let’s get them out of the way so we can get back to the good stuff.  I’ve got a hard copy of Cirsova burning a hole in my queue.First up, Castalia House’s Loki’s Child, by Fenris Wulf...

The Freedom and Power of Failure

Have you ever been to a freeform jazz concert, or maybe a Phish or Grateful Dead concert?  In these shows the artists give themselves license to play around and freely experiment on stage in front of a live audience.  The audience knows this going in, and understands that sometimes...

Don’t Read Anything Written After 1980

The adventures of King Conas returns, and we learn why the three sorcerers attempted to kill him in Issue 13.  The January Issue of Marvel’s King Conan sees the barbarian explore a demon haunted volcano home to an artifact that contains the soul of the first King of Aquilonia. ...

More Heroic Dudes

This last collection represents the last heroes from (plus the second Halfling from Irregular Miniature’s 6mm line).  All that’s left now is the wild elves from Ral Partha Europe, and we’ll have all seven character classes available for the party.   ...

The Lost Castle

You might think you’re done with sprawling multi-volume works of fiction, but if you’re the sort to read 30+ books per year – and since you’re reading this blog it’s a safe bet you are – then you know full well you can run but not escape falling into...