2017: The Year I Come Out of the Box

Even my wargames are pulp.This rocket ship was built for15mm sci-fi miniature battles. If you direct your eyes to the left, over there on the sidebar, you can spot a tag in the cloud called, “wargame related“. It’s no secret that I’m an avid wargamer from way back. I played D&D...

Coming Out of the Box

If you liked this project,you’ll love 2017’s project. Completing Castle Meatgrinder, a large wargaming project from start to as-near-to-finished-as-any-wargame-project-ever-gets, was the least of my 2016 successes. Over the course of last year, my fire adopted a number of new irons, and by the time the Holiday season rolled around...

Into the Dungeon: Castle Meatgrinder AP

The kids were kind enough to playtest Castle Meatgrinder over the holiday break, and we found that it needs some serious work.  They had a good time, but I wasn’t satisfied with the amount of action, the speed of play, or the organization of my notes.  Most important, I...

Big Surprise!

After writing up my last post, it occurred to me that I do have a box of odds and ends that might be perfect for Castle Meatgrinder’s heavy hitters.  Here are two of them.  (There are a few more that we’ll leave in our back pocket for surprises).  Here’s...

The Elfs Control Hollywood

Skip the film, play the game. The title to this post hit me like a brick while reading John C. Wright’s The Swan Knight’s Son. Given that elfs serve as the primary antagonists in a world where they represent the primary threat to Christendom, it’s a throwaway line meant...

The Compleat Castle Meatgrinder

Who are we kidding? A project like this is never complete, it just goes into hibernation. As we round out the year of fantasy skirmish here at War In A Box, let’s take a look at where the project stands. At the current time we’ve got over 50 characters in...

The Invisible City, By Brian K. Lowe

This is my kind of throwback.  Brian K. Lowe is one of those authors that Cirsova introduced to me.  His story, Hoskin’s War, in the second issue featured a grossly under-utilized setting for fantasy – the American frontier in the days of the American War of Independence.  It took a...

Children of Mordor

The biggest warband in Castle Meatgrinder must be the ravening horde of orcs.  You can get an even two dozen of these bad boys from Splintered Light for twenty bucks.  And these figures pretty well match the style of those in the Jim Roslof artwork on the cover of...

The Yanthus Prime Job

It looks like this blog may just be turning into a book review blog.  Things are pretty crazy right now what with the audio book recording, trying to finish “Five Dragons” before the end of the year – a long shot, to be honest – cranking away on a...

See, Your King Comes To You

And he brings the greatest gift of all.     It’s yours if you want it.  All you have to do is accept it....