I don’t have much, but what I have is often requested. So here’s a one-stop resource to find whatever little odds-n-ends I’ve made in the past that might help you in the future. I’ll add more as they become available.
Quick Reference Sheets
Character Sheets and Such
- Patrick Todoroff’s “Nightwatch”
- Some cool map stuff
- AD&D Party Tracker
Campaigns I’ve Run
These aren’t the only campaigns I’ve run, naturally. They are the campaigns large and involved enough – and of sufficient interest to outside parties – to warrant management via dedicated blog.
- Rise of the Orc Lords – A multi-player hex-based domain game also known as Decembork. Ended December 2022.
- The Sneedville War – A black powder era imaginations campaign fought in western Tennessee. Ended late 2022.
- Chosen Men On Campaign – A two-player map-based skirmish campaign that’s all about the looting. Ended December 2021.