The Old Park

In retrospect, this park isn’t very pulpy.  At some point, that statue of a long forgotten hero of the DPRG will have to come down for a nice art-deco style sculpture.  For now, though, a finished terrain piece is worth two in the “someday” column.

The real reason that I used that statue is that it was a spare – it was donated to the cause by GZG as an example of their Tomorrow’s War line.  It’s a great sculpt with lots of nice little details, and everyone should buy lots of them to keep Tuffley in business, but the DPRG isn’t a force I intend to collect any time soon, so up on a pedestal it goes.

The base of the statue is the bottom part of a Chapstick tube – the part you twist to get the chapstick to come out – the bushes are green scrubbers lightly brushed with bright green and yellow paints, and the rest is all matte board and cereal box mounted on a copy of the movie Shark Tale.  It’s nice to get some entertainment out of that useless DVD this way, because you sure as heck can’t get any by watching it.