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Gilgamesh and Mordred, the new guy. |
The last of the perytons proved to be the toughest, only dying at the thunderous hand of the party mage, Gilgamesh, who cast a booming shatter spell. The spell blasted the peryton into a cloud of feathers and gore, but also badly damaged the cultists cart it happened to be sitting on at the time. The rear half of the wagon broke apart, spilling gold and loot along the road.
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Aftermath of the peryton attack |
While doing this and travelling ever deeper into the forest, your group was set upon by horribly mutated goblins and a great ogre abomination. It was during this attack that Capt. Alphonse and his men broke a oath of their own by turning on the group and launching an attack against them. But as it turned out, it was the Captain and his men that paid the deadly final price, being wiped out to a man!
And with that, the party stumbled out of the forest mists to crest a small hill overlooking a beautiful high mountain valley with a crystal blue glacial lake at one end and a most impressive Malvern Manor at it’s shore. From a distance, the house appeared…hazy. And not in a good way.
A deeper investigation would have to wait for the next session…
Later that day, Perytons attacked the caravan. Peryton’s for those of you that missed that episode of National Geographic: Faerun, are half-stags and half birds of prey given to ripping out and eating the still beating hearts of their victims. The foul birds swooped down from the sky, and lit into the caravan with a vengeance. Aramis nuked one with holy fire, and Karren let fly the Dragonspear, felling another. Meanwhile, Grim shanked a cultist in the confusion and successfully blamed a peryton for the death. Yolo tried to assist by “accidentally” hitting a pair of cultists with friendly fire, to no avail.
As the cultists scrambled to collect the gold and valuables, Karren made move to retrieve the Dragonspear, only to find it in the hands of Alphonse, the leader of the cult on this trek. Yolo quickly negotiated a truce between the spice merchants (Karren, Aramis, and Gilgamesh), and the cult leader. Karren gets the spear, and no more funny business until the gates of Waterdeep. Down five more cultists following the attack, and with the loss of a wagon, the cult consolidated down to four wagons.
The next day, the wagon train halted for a moment at an odd sight. A man buried up to his neck on the roadside – the standard punishment for oathbreakers in these parts. The cleric and paladins refused to leave a man in this state and their trust paid off. The poor soul proved to be Carlin Amenfall, Karren’s contact with the Harpers. In front of the crowd, Carlin claimed to have broken off an engagement rather than marry into a family of brigands. Later, in private, he confessed to have been travelling with a loot caravan three days ahead of us, but there the cult found him out and left him neck deep in roadway. He had left word.with the sleeping dragon innkeeper that he knows where a powerful artifact is, some sort of summoning stones, but the arrival of the slaads prevented the message from being delivered.