The Necromancer War, Chapter 3

When last we left the on-going saga of the Necromancer King’s attempt to add the Targar Empire to his domain, Lady Hotfor M’Motherson successfully routed a flanking force of the Necromancer King.  Seeing an opportunity to deliver a smashing blow to the dark lord’s forces, she quickly rounded up all the forces within a day’s march, and set out to sever the Necromancer forces’ supply lines.  Scrambling to plug the gap in his lines, the Necromancer King ordered a small screening force to slow down the Lady’s forces…

The d30 for this battle resulted in a 25 – Infiltration.  Only one defending unit starts the game on a hill deep in the Targar side of the board.  Five other units wait just off board, with two entering on Turn 3 and the other 3 on Turn 6.  The Targar’s four units all enter on the north in Turn 1, and have to get two units off the board in the south by the end of Turn 15.

Lady M’Motherson quickly ordered her men-at-arms to stall the levy left guarding the hill, while her three units of knights charged…

…across an empty field…

…for three turns.


Quickly getting into the Necromancer King’s rear, moments before reinforcements could arrive to stop them.

This scenario doesn’t make for a very balanced Medieval game, with the emphasis on fast moving mounted units.  They can work in other genres, and with more foot-heavy armies, but here?  There’s no way for the Necromancer Forces to stall the Targar Empire.  Even if the Necromancer had put a faster Knight on the hill, it would have been pinned in place by the men-at-arms, and the three Targar Knights still would have had a cake walk to victory.

We might have ignored this result and starting over with a new die-roll for the scenario and forces, but after talking it over decided to let it stand. Sometimes the dice just come up snake-eyes, and sometimes armies find themselves in unwinnable situations through no fault of their own.

This puts the standings at 2-1 in favor of the Targars, with 2 more battles to go.  The Targars still have the initiative, but as we saw today, anything can happen…