Scuttlebutt has it that old @Jack is up to his usual tricks these days. The House Un-Twitter Activities Committee is hard at work preparing yet another purge list for their latest pogrom. For a site dedicated to helping people communicate, they sure do love to make it harder to reach people. As a well known associate of such crimethinkers as Vox Day, Mike Cernovich, the Gamergate crowd, and now the ComicsGate crowd – to say nothing of a crimethinker in his own right – it’s a safe bet I’ll be swept up in the night of the Long Mutes.
To that end, I’m adding an email list/newsletter to There’s a form over there to the right of the words you’re reading now, or you can subscribe here:
Don’t worry, this list will only be used a few times each year to make the big announcements about new releases, upcoming signings, and those rare occasions where I want to reach my select fans for information too time sensitive or too personal to warrant a blog post. I’ll send out a free e-novella to anyone who signs up over the next week, so don’t wait too long or you’ll miss out on the fun.
Thanks to everyone who has supported me over the past year – next year is going to be even better than this one!