Post-Superbowl Post-Hangover Sale

Now that you’ve recovered from yesterday’s football game, why not treat yourself to a little light reading?  Four novellas and short story, all featuring a big dang lizard that needs a good slaying before it runs amuck can be yours…

But wait!  Don’t order today!  Tomorrow, it goes on sale for a measly zero dollars and ninety-nine cents.  The special price is only good for one day though, so make sure you wake up early and grab yourself a digital copy.  It’ll help you pass the time while waiting for next season.

And watch this space for a look at the cover to my next novel, “Adventure Rising”.  Newsletter subscribers have already had an advance peek at it, and can confirm it features the action-packed heroics you’ve come to expect from a PulpRev author.  The book hits Amazon sometime in the next two weeks, and you’re going to love following Jack Dashing’s adventure across and over and under a New York City at once all too different and all too similar to the one in our world.

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