So Many Irons

Great news for fans of my audio work!  I’ve started recording another novel for the fine folks over at Castalia House.  We don’t generally like to over promise, so you’ll have to wait a month or so to find out which one, but rest assured it’s a fan favorite and one all too

The 50+ hours spent recording this novel will slow down my writing productivity, and that’s perfectly fine by me.  We’re engaged in a cultural war here, and the audio book hill needs a little love from Team Western Civilization right now.  So far as I’m concerned, I’m not stepping back, I’m just redirecting my fire from the written word hill to the spoken word hill.  And this particular novel is one hell of a volley.  It’s been on my ‘too read’ list for a while, so it’s a pleasure to get paid to read the thing.

Even with the recording, we’ll still be on track to release the sequel to “Sudden Rescue” before the end of the third quarter.  So fans of E. Z. Sudden will be glad to know that this recording won’t push that book’s release back.  In fact, I recently received the artwork for the cover, and it’s unlike any cover I’ve put out yet.  It’s a new twist on a classic sci-fi style that you are going to love.

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