Cirsova Containment Status: Broken

It’s the most wonderful time of the year – time for a new issue of Cirsova. I’ve read a lot of anthology magazines over the last year in the hunt for new writers and new takes on fantasy and sci-fi, and don’t really talk about most of them because…well, they aren’t very good. Also, while not binge reader by any stretch, it turns out I’m not much of a short story reader either. They make a nice break from longer form reading, but my sweet spot is really right around the 300 page mark.

Which is why my abiding love for Cirsova should stand as a testament to my rave reviews for it. This isn’t the sort of thing I really like, but I like this one! And it’s out in the general public now, so I should probably set aside my Rzasa novel and give this a read. It’s sure to be a real corker.

Buy it here.

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