Wild Stars III

Cirsova is at it again:

Michael Tierney’s Wild Stars have a history in print going back nearly 35 years. In the Wild Stars, the stakes are high and the scale is grandiose. Aeons ago, a godlike being led an exodus to stars—the Wild Stars. Unbeknownst to those who remained on earth, mankind flourished in space, but it also found new dangers and new enemies.

Michael’s new novel, Wild Stars III: Time Warmageddon, picks up where II left off, in the future history aftermath of the Brothan/Artomique war, but can be read as a standalone story in the Wild Stars universe.

I am absolutely thrilled to be working with Michael Tierney to put out this new story. Cirsova is all about high-octane action sci-fi adventure, and Wild Stars delivers.

It’s an exciting and brave new world out there in publishing land, and five years from now there are going to be a lot of people wishing they had had Cirsova’s foresight, because catching up to this publisher will get harder with every passing publishing season.  This project might not have the raw number of backers of a Jawbreakers or Alt*Hero, but it’s quality will stand alongside them without shame.  If Cirsova Magazine is any indication, it will more energy, creativity, and adventure to comics than any five mainline titles combined.

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