Sociable Media

In the wake of high-powered Hollywood millionaires realizing that they are as vulnerable to the isolate and swarm tactics they love to use against their political foes as their political foes are, its worth taking a moment to consider your own social media back trail.

Twitter contains all of the knee-jerk, off-the-cuff goofing around commentary.  That’s the place where ideas get flung about, held to the fire, and tested against all comers.  It’s an ephemeral place, and you’d have to be a fool to make things easy on your enemies by leaving every little experimental comment and thoughtless reaction up there forever.

To cover my tracks, I use Tweet Delete, an automatic service that periodically clears the trail by deleting every tweet older than about two months.  That’s long enough for people to say their piece and catch up.  Two months is an age and a half on Twitter.  As I write this, the two day conflagration of WorldCon76 getting hammered by the bottom feeding crabs in the SJW bucket has already faded away, and that was yesterday!  Granted, the stalkers can always archive or screencap tweets, so its not perfect, but it sure does make things a lot harder on them.  Sometimes that’s good enough.

This blog on the other hand, is a permanent record.  It contains considerably more thoughtful pieces filled with nuance and posts carefully crafted to try and cover all the angles.  Once I’ve hashed things out on twitter – both center stage and in the backstage group areas – then I can sit down and write up something a little more worth everyone’s time, and put down the sort of thing that I don’t want to get Infinity Gauntleted away by automated systems.

Things like this meme I made to describe a real life conversation I had with my daughter today:


If you think that’s funny, you should read this alternate earth adventure I wrote.

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