Heroes Unleashed – A Literary Super(s) Project


You’d have to be a madman to gather up the literary equivalent of a herd of cats, point them at the superhero genre, and shout, “GO!”  Fortunately for fans of the superhero genre, we share a world with not just a madman, but a madman and his madwoman.  Russel and Morgon Newquist, the dynamic duo behind Silver Empire Publishing, hatched the idea of a shared universe built by a collective team of authors well known for their creative talent, their gripping action, and their commitment to bringing you the best in new and new-old tales of heroism.  Heroes Unleashed!

And they invited me along for the ride!

The first phase includes myself, Morgon Newquist, J.D. Cowan, Kai Wai Cheah, and Richard Watts, and you should see the line-up they have waiting for phase II.

The whole thing can be yours, and you don’t have to comb through Amazon’s webfront guessing which novel fits where, and wait for the next one to come out, hoping to remember the release date, or pre-ordering and then forgetting that you already bought it.  No, the good folks at Silver Empire have made it easy to get involved by hosting a one-stop shop for all of your superhero needs with the Heroes Unleashed Kickstarter Campaign.

You know how those work, so click on the link to learn more.  All I’ll tell you from here is that I’ve tackled the Hidden History side of Heroes Unleashed with a superspy unlike any you’ve ever seen before, and a story of the criminal underground in Serenity City that ties into all of the major events of this new and exciting universe.



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