The Barbarian Emperor On The Air


If you already pre-ordered a copy of Barbarian Emperor, thank you.  If you haven’t because you’re still sitting on the fence, here are a couple of interviews that I did over the last week showcasing the work and a whole lot more.  The first video deals with a lot of current event issues, particularly those the difficulties faced by independent authors.  The second takes a more timeless turn as we delve into the deep magic of fantasy cosmologies, alignment, and play styles.  Whether sword and sandal adventure with a hearty sorcery mix tickles your fancy or not, both of these interviews will entertain you – the hosts are universally funny and clever and offer up engaging conversations.


First up is Jon Del Arroz’s Lunchstream, with Katrina:

And the always entertaining and informative Geek Gab with YOUR HOST, ME, DADDY WARPiiiIIIIG! and John McGlynn:

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