Let Go Your Feelings
No one is coming to save your precious Star Wars.
I get it. It was fun while it lasted. You had some good times, and would really like just one last visit to the old haunts for old times’ sake. But this…
This ain’t it, chief. The original trilogy represents that rarity where heavy handed studio involvement polished up a turd and made it shine like a diamond. All of the reports and interviews from that era point to a confused mess of a film that took some serious editing wizardry to cobble into the classics we know and love. When Lucas held the reins, we got the fun but empty and meandering noise-machines of the Prequels.
And then we got Red Tails. There is no chance a Star Wars made with today’s George Lucas at the helm would share any of the OT’s deep message or fun spirit. And if you think he’d write a tale any less woke than Jar Jar Abrams and Rian “On Your Parade” Johnson, then you need to sit down and watch Red Tails again. That’s a harsh medicine to take, but one that should help cure you of your delusions of Lucas’ grandeur.
It had a good run, but it’s over now.
But take heart, there are better intellectual properties out there. The wheel of life continues to turn, and just as the newcomer and bold risk-taker of George Lucas supplanted the dreary seventies aesthetic in his day, we have a legion of bold risk-takers working to supplant the dreary teens aesthetic of our day.
Good things are on the horizon. Keep your eyes open and your powder dry – we’ll find them together.