Pup Kult Stephenson

Is it just me, or did this feel a lot like a Stephenson novel?

It features the weird future of Snowcrash and the abrupt lurch of an ending of…

Well, pretty much every novel Stephenson ever wrote.

Not a complaint.  Just an observation.  Nick Cole’s first-person spycraft novels typically feature first person tales written in the present tense.  We’ve seen it in the Galaxy’s Edge series, the Wyrd novel that follows the spy-slash-lounge-singer, and now twice in the Soda Pop series.  It’s a heady feeling, reading his works, and Cole’s skills at manipulating the reader are legendary.  In this series, he does Ready Player One a step better by ditching the snark and ironic self-awareness and simply embracing the love of the IP’s that get referenced throughout the novels.

Good stuff.  The world will be a better place once Virus Films gets the scratch together and builds the army of technicians required to bring these films to life.  Of course, how they show all those Hollywood properties while keeping within the bounds of “Fair Use” should prove as interesting as the narratives themselves.  Once might almost say that doing so is half the battle.

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