A Very Meta New Year

This is not a daily blog.  Your time is valuable, and I’ll not waste it by filling up empty posts with pointless material.

Posts arrive when something you might find interesting crosses my path or my synapses.  Generally, I try to post a few times per week, but as my secondary writing project – books and paid work come first – I dip out on a regular basis.

For the most part you’ll continue to see breezy analysis of pop storytelling – usually long after the new car smell has left the property – with a smattering of cultural analysis.  The heavy lifting and study is better left to minds more dedicated to deep dives than my own 1,000-foot view which attempts to synthesize such deep thoughts into something a little more actionable for you, dear reader.

Also, Happy New Year.  This is how my area celebrated – by thumbing our collective noses at the safety Karens and scaredy cat schoolmarms.

I am praying that you have an amazing 2020 filled with laughter, song, dance, and victory.

And thanks for sticking around.  It’s been fun, and will continue to be throughout the decade.

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