Well, not so much ‘suffer from’, as ‘revel in’.
How can you not, when we have the pleasure of being born in the right time and at the right place to enjoy this late-stage golden-age of the hobby? And yet I find myself looking back to Tradition, and taking up the challenge of Napoleonics. These French light infantry need some grass on the field and maybe a flag but are otherwise ready to play ball. A small unit of seven gives them a lot of flexibility and just enough punch to keep the Redcoats hopping.
As reported before, I’m getting deep into Osprey’s “Chosen Men” and finding it a fun little throwback. It’s been called a Warhammer knock-off, and I can’t speak to that except to say that the game is just a lot of fun. It allows for a lot of customization for that sweet off-table fun of army building, uses a tidy alternating activation system, and doesn’t suffer when you ignore fairly sizable chunks of the command rules. Seriously, some of the order stuff takes a long time to wrap your head around, and the game remains just as fun even without those rules.