Eye Candy

Sometimes fantasy games are more real than real life.

That thought struck home as I played a couple of battles between Christian Knights and the Death Cult. I’ll spare you the moralizing let’s take a look at some fun action shots.

Here is an aerial shot of big blocks of troops complete with John Madden analysis. Dragon Rampant is proving to be a smooth drink of water when it comes to rank and flank gaming.

Here is a group shot of the Death Cult in all of its gory glory. They are strangely brittle units, but also very sticky. The individuals are fragile, but it is impossible to chase them off the table. Which leads to some long and dragging games. Great feel, but I’m not sure I enjoy playing with them.

How is this for an action shot?

And here are the 15mm heroes of the piece. Complete in Vatican appropriate garb, and all from Khurasan miniatures.



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