The Solo (Not Quite) AD&D Fire Still Rises

A new Challenger enters the lists!

A Prince of Parma, who I’m pretty sure comments on my vidjas has taken up the solo wargaming gauntlet with the devil of his own, this time into ACKs.  Even better, he is documenting his Campaign on Cosoricalta in long form blog posts!

It took a long time to figure out as much of the rules as I have figured out. I am very sad that two such promising lads, who never did no wrong to nobody died in such a random act of violence. The legate (should he ever hear about their deaths) will make sure to warn future youngsters against a life of crime and hunting spiders without at least having a shield.

It takes a lot of guts to put yourself out there like this. Documenting the learning process, and all the pitfalls you encounter along the way, is not a fool’s errand. It’s the mark of a man who wants to improve his gaming, and isn’t afraid to take a few bruises while he does so.

I don’t know about you, but I’ve read my fill of theorycrafters and brilliant analysts who somehow never find time to post an AAR from which we might learn.  I’d rather have the rock solid analysis that comes from learning through bitter trial and error, and the Prince is a prince among men for giving it to us.

Also, if youl like the ACKs, Macris is kickstarting a beefier version, ACKs 2: Imperial Boogaloo later this month.

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