It’s been almost 6 months since I joined the cyclops faction. I still have no depth perception, so I started by painting  something easy.

Two tone ruins. Hard to screw that up.  A few miniature wargamers offered me encouragement, guys who have also suffered the loss of vision in one eye, and who – unlike me – spend more time painting than they do whining about their injury.  Time to man up and take the Mike Wyzowski Challenge.

These resin figures all come from Alternative Armies, and run about two bucks a pop.

You can probably get them cheaper if you took advantage of alternatives big winter sale, going on now. I took advantage of a monthly freebie to get an extra pair of doorway pieces, so this whole ruined set cost like forty bucks with shipping.

And as usual, since you’re already paying for shipping why not throw in one extra piece? This great honking of orcish idol let me do some rubbish detail work on the skulls and such. It was hard and slow going, but a good first effort.

The little bit if green fism brush really helps complete these terrain items.  If you get a set, I highly recommend that little bit of touch up.


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